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Data sanitization

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In terms of cybersecurity, data sanitization is crucial because it is an efficient way of safeguarding sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.

Due to the increased sensitivity to keep data safe, many businesses have heightened their rules and regulations related to proper data disposal, as failure to do so, could result in huge fines and penalties. As such, data sanitization provides these businesses an efficient way to safely destroy data leaving no traces behind, thus eliminating the risks associated with leakage of data.

Essentially, data sanitization is vital since it safeguards data, ensures data compliance, and mitigates the risks related to the disposal of unwanted devices.

Data Sanitization Methods

Data erasure, cryptographic erasure, and physical destruction are the three industry-wide methods of data sanitization.

1. Data Erasure is the software-based method of securely overwriting data from any data storage device using zeros and ones onto all sectors of the device. By overwriting the data on the storage device, the data is rendered unrecoverable and achieves data sanitization.

2. Cryptographic Erasure (Crypto Erase) is the process of using encryption software (either built-in or deployed) on the entire data storage device, and erasing the key used to decrypt the data.

3. Physical Destruction. The process of shredding hard drives, smartphones, printers, laptops and other storage media into tiny pieces by large mechanical shredders or using degaussers.


When done properly, WipeOS data sanitization ensures that no data can be recovered, even with advanced data sanitization software. Data erasure, considered the highest form of security data within data sanitization techniques, is software that writes over all the data with zeros and ones. This renders the data unrecoverable and achieves data sanitization on the storage device.