Tips & Tricks: Modular Network Boot Solutions
In this edition of tips and tricks for processing IT assets, we will look at the best practices related to wiping loose hard drives and why a modular lab is best.
A data destruction lab is ideal for processing loose hard drives. It is built using various chassis in a rack-mounted system that provides the best modular option and ensures fast wiping and testing and allows you to add more devices as needed. A network boot solution should be configured so loose drives can be installed and recognized automatically. This ensures faster processing times and efficient workflow.

A modular data eradication lab is the best option for data erasure on an enterprise level. The physical tracking and handling of loose hard drives is a critical step to maintaining accountability and the reason why data erasure adds value to your process. This is a common requirement to ensure compliance with current third party certifications that will audit this process and look for clear records. By recording all of the data destruction logs, clients and 3rd party auditors will be able to see that these materials were properly handled and accounted for.

Once the drives are mounted, a technician should be able to quickly wipe and test units. In most cases these are done in batches are corresponding tracking information is entered when the items begin processing. This makes tracking and logging these activities easy to account for.
As technology changes it is valuable to have a lab that can have the hardware upgraded, replaced and updated. With a network boot erasure solution, this can be done without interruption to daily wiping and testing activities.