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Home 9 Blog 9 R2 Compliance Reporting

R2 Compliance Reporting

It is common to wipe a unit’s hard drive and then use our diagnostics feature to test components and prepare the device for sale or redeployment. These diagnostics have been set up to adhere to R2 requirements and help to ensure your organization is in compliance with their guidelines. These results can be pushed to an inventory system for complete integration.

R2 Standard

the R2:2013 Standard is the latest version of R2, the electronics recycling industry’s leading certification. This standard is recognized internationally. Adherence to this standard is required by many large companies before they will do business with any recycler.

The standard requires companies to maintain records about which focus materials have been shipped to whom. These records provide a chain of custody from the purchaser all the way through to the final disposition of the recycled equipment. Maintaining these records has proven difficult for companies without a robust management system including software.

From wiping to testing to resale, WipeOS supports your organization with a consistent and efficient workflow.
