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Home 9 Blog 9 GDPR and Data Wiping Practices

GDPR and Data Wiping Practices

New General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) governed by the EU and applicable worldwide are set to take effect in late May. While many companies have launched into a frenzy to make sure they won’t be in violation of the new standards, it’s yet to be seen how many will initially overlook or underestimate simple compliance measures for GDPR, like proper data destruction, the failure of which could result in massive fines as defined by the new rules.

GDPR will enforce stricter data disposal practices

The use and storage of consumer data has become a hot topic of discussion. As major tech companies find themselves in hot water over data privacy and collection violations, the attention is generating more and more public awareness of the dangers that the business of big data can impose on a private individuals’ personal information.

Data wiping, also known as data erasure, has long been considered a necessary business practice for IT asset disposition (ITAD) to prevent issues like identity theft or security breaches, but GDPR will double down on enforcing those standards by dramatically increasing fines for a data breach.

ITAD services are common among today’s business enterprises, as IT equipment is turned over and replaced. One of the toughest challenges GDPR will present for companies undergoing this process is a requirement for a clear and thorough auditing record and reporting system for all data wiping procedures. These reports not only prove the data destruction was successful but also act as a receipt for both auditing and accountability.

Previously, the Data Protection Act held those controlling the data itself solely responsible for compliance. The new regulations will apply equal responsibility to both data controllers and processors, namely the ITAD vendors who handle and destroy the data on behalf of the controllers.

This joint liability means that ITAD vendors must provide a reporting system that provides a full scope of the destruction, and the data controller must maintain records of the reports to prove compliance. Failure to do so could even threaten the life of a business with the anticipated fines enforced through GDPR.

GDPR data wiping rules demand more continuity for business practices

Continuity is the surest way to handle companywide business practices and standards, and GDPR rules are no exception. From the bottom all the way to the top, each tier of a company should be thoroughly informed of the requirements and made aware of the approach to data wiping as it is used to meet compliance standards.

Onsite data destruction is a way to ensure a safer, more secure erasure. Software and customization options add to the security factor, and enable the data wiping process to match your business size, location, interfaces, and more. Plus, the ROI potential grows for revaluing the hardware when you partner with an ITAD specialist who has reliable, consistent data wiping practices.

Reporting is the ultimate way the data destruction process maintains consistency for your business, and is the biggest factor in proving your erasure was compliant with GDPR. Unfortunately, it might be one of the most overlooked compliance details. To make sure this requirement isn’t neglected, only choose a data wiping specialist who provides a system of certification and reporting. The WipeOS reporting model includes a secure online portal that can be accessed by any authorized team member at any time, organizing the results for convenient and reliable future access.

Prepare for GDPR compliance today by securing your next ITAD and data wiping partnership to avoid being caught by surprise at the last minute when the regulations do take effect.